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dphys-kernel-packages Kernel Tools
Project Basics
Project Status
Code Download
External Stuff (Links)
Project Basics
This project is aimed at automatically making
Debian packages containing custom
kernels and external modules for these. All of these in many variants
optimised for different processor, SMP and memory size configurations.
This project has produced an
dphys-kernel-packages script which generates variant config files and
then invokes make-kpkg on each of them for the kernel and for all external
modules the user wants. For external modules the user must provide Makefile
fragments for including into the generated debian/rules file, for the
module specific compilation process. It also generates for each kernel an
fitting reboot package that can be used to force
dphys-admin to reboot the system after
install/upgrade of the kernel.
It has also produced an
dphys-kernel-cputype script which detects at install time which
generated set of kernel and module packages to install on a given system.
This project was spawned from the dphys3 project,
aimed at automating our site setup. dphys3 itsself
sets up the base system, then the custom kernels form here are installed by
Project Status
For the full details of done/doing/todo of the project best read the
Logfile. A short excerpt from it is here:
Done are:
Milestone/Release 1 (2006.10.27):
- Generate variant configs
- unpack and compile kernel
- unpack and compile external modules
- also support 2.6 kernels
- auto detect which kernel type is needed
Current (= development, = may be broken):
Todo are:
Code Download
Current (= development, = may be broken):
Installation Guide
- entire project:
- single files:
Makefile, control process
dphys-kernel-packages, generate kernel packages
dphys-kernel-packages.1, man page for dphys-kernel-packages
dphys-kernel-cputype, check which variant to install
dphys-kernel-cputype.1, man page for dphys-kernel-cputype
dphys-kernel-packages.example, example config file, containing
only the default settings as comments, to adapt to your site
2.4.example, example p1-1gb .config file and some modules .rules
files, as we use them for 2.4 kernels
2.6.example, example p1-1gb .config file and some modules .rules
files, as we use them for 2.6 kernels
Milestone/Release 1 (2006.10.27):
Installation Guide
- entire project:
- single files:
Makefile, control process
dphys-kernel-packages, generate kernel packages
dphys-kernel-packages.1, man page for dphys-kernel-packages
dphys-kernel-cputype, check which variant to install
dphys-kernel-cputype.1, man page for dphys-kernel-cputype
dphys-kernel-packages.example, example config file, containing
only the default settings as comments, to adapt to your site
2.4.example, example p1-1gb .config file and some modules .rules
files, as we use them for 2.4 kernels
2.6.example, example p1-1gb .config file and some modules .rules
files, as we use them for 2.6 kernels
External Stuff (Links)
Various links that may be usefull:
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Projects | dphys-kernel-packages
This page is by Neil Franklin, last modification 2006.10.27