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[CCW Logo] [Computer Club Winterthur]


The Computer Club Winterthur (CCW) is a group of people, who want to exchange their experiences with Personal Computern. It was founded on the 12th of March 1982 by 9 original members, 5 of them from the Astronomical Society Winterthur (AGW).

We support all types of computer systems, from programmable calculators up to mainframes. The original membership consisted mainly of 8bit microcomputers, ca 50% Commodore PET&Co and 50% Z80-CP/M (that was 1982!). In time the membership has changed, today it is mostly 80x86 PCs, ca 50% Windows-3.11/95 and 50% others (OS/2 and Linux).

For the Details here are our Bylaws.

At the moment the club has 49 members.

Membership dues for 1997 are SFr. 50.- for adults, SFr. 30.- for joungsters (under 16 years).

Applications are to be sent to the president. Either in writing or by email. They should include: name, postal address, telephone number, email address.

This section is by Neil Franklin, last modification 1998.03.04

The Club

Main activity is the "Hock". We meet 2 times per month (on the first and third Tuesday) for the evening from 20.00 to 23.00 in the restaurant Tössrain in Wülflingen by Winterthur. There we discuss about computers and anything else we just happen to think about.

Some of these evenings are replaced by lectures by members.

Once every year we have a grill party on a Saturday afternoon and evening. This takes place on the ground of the Alsatian dog club (SCOG) Winterthur.

Current calendar of events.

This section is by Neil Franklin, last modification 1998.03.04

Club Server

New since 2/3 of a year is our club server (there where you got this page from).

Also new is the CCW Ethernet at the Hocks. Every member gets an own address block (256 addresses), so that no address collisions take place. A club wide /etc/hosts file is kept. Our Ethernet addresses are synchronised with those of the LUGS.

The following members have home pages that are known to me:

The following members have email addresses that are known to me:

Other members, with home pages or email addresses not mentioned here, should please notify me about them.

The board members have email addresses:

The entire board can be reached under Board@ccw.ch.

This section is by Neil Franklin, last modification 1998.03.04